Thursday 30 October 2014

Halloween Game Night 2014

As it is Halloween I thought I would do something horror related for my blog.

As you may have noticed I play a lot of board games. Amongst my collection are several horror themed games.

So we are planning a horror board game night while some of our favourite horror movies play in the back ground.

I would love to stream this event but sadly I don’t have access to a decent enough camera, yet!

Tuesday 7 October 2014

My thoughts on League of Legends

I've been playing, and more importantly enjoying League of Legends (LoL) recently.

I'm only at level 12 and mostly been plying against bots. I feel that this is necessary until you find the champions that you're good at.

I realised in a recent game that I'm not that bad as I went against real players and had my teams highest damage output, most assists and second highest kills by 1. I was playing as Soraka who is a healer so was shocked to get that much. After the game I found I was the least experienced vs human opponents and I put my win down to honing my skills against the AI.

Enough bragging about my skills ;-P