Wednesday 16 December 2015

Top Five Favourite Ultimate’s

decided to list my favourite ultimates from league of legends. However I wrote this is before Illoai was released and her ultimate is devastating but I'm not sure if it would make the list.

Sunday 31 May 2015

Whimsical Times

I'll admit straight away that I'm one of those people who liked Cards Against Humanity. It appealed to my dark sense of human and worked in my group who aren't as into strategy games as I am and prefer something lighter.

Monday 19 January 2015

Top 10 League Champs Part 1 - Support

This is the first of my top ten champ blogs, each will focus on one of the different positions: Top, Jungle, Mid, Bot and Support.

Of the five positions you can play support is probably my favourite. You might not get the flashy kills of the other positions but helping secure kills for your carry or keeping them alive can be just as thrilling.