Monday 9 April 2012

The longest QTE of my life

Well just finished Asura's Wrath (warning here be spoilers) and while it was a unique experience I'm not 100% sold on this type of game.

The QTE's (quick time events for the uninitiated) are a major part of the action. With about 75% of the game being interactive cut-scenes the rest is made up of on rail shooter sections and very simple button mashing combat.

I would explain a bit about the story, but best check wikipedia or the official site for less spoilers, because it all gets a bit crazy by the end and the middle and the start. Let's just say that if you're a fan of anime then you'll get along just fine.

Speaking of anime the music at times reminded me of Naruto, especially during the fights. I even could imagine Sasuke and Naruto fighting in place of Asura and Yasha.

Things do get repetitive fast and unless you're an achievement whore (like me) then you'll have no reason to replay it. A single playthrough is only about 6 hours so I would say rent don't buy. If you are looking for an interactive story type of game with QTE's and a bit more replayability then I would recommend the brilliant Heavy Rain.

Of course if my dream comes true and Shenmue HD comes out then I would say try that as well. Fingers crossed that will lead to a third game being made, I'll leave talking more about this for a future blog.

To sum it up the game is pretty fun, totally over the top, sometimes confusing and repetitive, oh and it looks real nice too, it's worth trying out the demo first to see if it's for you. Also they have released some DLC featuring other Capcom characters; If you're a big Capcom fan that could add extra incentive to play this game.

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